NASCAR family has unique, and tasty, way of giving back to the community

JD and Melissa Gibbs (Facebook)
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It’s not unusual to hear of someone involved in NASCAR giving to charity. From drivers to team owners to the sanctioning body, giving to charities is commonplace among those who make a living in the world of big time stock car auto racing.

One NASCAR family is going a step further though. JD Gibbs, president at Joe Gibbs Racing, along with wife Melissa, recently opened a business that sees all its profits go to local charities; not a portion, but 100% of all the proceeds.

“We were initially motivated by our involvement with Young Life, an outreach ministry to high school kids. As committee members,” JD said. “We were challenged to think outside the box of the traditional golf tournament and banquet to something more sustainable.” MORE>>>

Greg Engle
About Greg Engle 7421 Articles
Greg is a published award winning sportswriter who spent 23 years combined active and active reserve military service, much of that in and around the Special Operations community. Greg is the author of "The Nuts and Bolts of NASCAR: The Definitive Viewers' Guide to Big-Time Stock Car Auto Racing" and has been published in major publications across the country including the Los Angeles Times, the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He was also a contributor to Chicken Soup for the NASCAR Soul, published in 2010, and the Christmas edition in 2016. He wrote as the NASCAR, Formula 1, Auto Reviews and National Veterans Affairs Examiner for and has appeared on Fox News. He holds a BS degree in communications, a Masters degree in psychology and is currently a PhD candidate majoring in psychology. He is currently the weekend Motorsports Editor for Autoweek.